Linda Cordell 





M.F.A.    Studio Art      Louisiana State University, 1998

B.F.A.    Studio Art      New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University, 1995




2017        McKnight Ceramic Artist Fellowship, Northern Clay Center, Minneapolis MN

2015-16    Artist-in-Residence, the University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA

2014        Juror’s Award, 91st Annual Spring Show, Erie Art Museum, Erie, PA

2013       Finalist: Louis Comfort Tiffany Foundation Fellowship, New York, NY

2011        NYFA Artists’ Fellowship: New York Foundation for the Arts, Brooklyn, NY

2009      Visiting Artist-in-Residence: the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC.      

2007      Individual Artist Fellowship: Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, Harrisburg, PA

2003      Pew Fellowship in the Arts: Pew Charitable Trusts, Philadelphia, PA

2003      Artist in Residency: John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan, WI

2003      Individual Artist Fellowship: Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, Harrisburg, PA   

1999-02  Resident: The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA

1998-99  Evelyn Shapiro Foundation Fellowship at The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA


Selected Exhibitions



Small Favors, The Clay Studio at NCECA, Portland OR

Kaleidoscope of Perspectives, Ann Street Gallery, Newburgh, NY

Contemporary Clay: A Survey of Contemporary American Ceramics, Western Carolina         University Fine Art Museum, Cullowhee, NC

Eclectic Earth, Schick Art Gallery at Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY


A Curious Nature, Philadelphia Art Alliance, Philadelphia, PA

Shaping Minds: Philadelphia’s Clay Mentors, Leonard Pearlstein Gallery at Drexel University, Phil    adelphia, PA

Alfred University Alumnae, Hoyt Center for the Arts, New Castle, PA

InCiteful Clay, traveling exhibition curated by Judith Schwartz, The Culture Lab at Mid-America Arts Al    liance, Kansas City, MO (1/28-3/16), Oklahoma State University Museum of Art, Stillwater, OK (4/6-5/25)


The Clay Studio 2015 Benefit Auction, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA

Art Unleashed, Hamilton Hall, University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA

InCiteful Clay, Group traveling show, curated by Judith Schwartz, presented by Exhibits USA

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things, curated by Tina Hastings, Marion Art Gallery, SUNY Fred-    onia, NY

Crafts Faculty of Edinboro University, Hoyt Center for the Arts, New Castle, PA

Confronting Injustice: A Woman’s Voice, curated by Heather Dana, Cummings Art Gallery, Mercyhurst University,  Erie, PA


The Clay Studio: 40 Years, NCECA Convention Center, Milwaukee, MN ans The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA

4 person Show, Meadville Council of the Arts, Meadville, PA

Erie Art Museum’s 91st Annual Spring  Show, Erie Art Museum, Erie PA

InCiteful Clay, Group traveling show, curated by Judith Schwartz, presented by Exhibits USA

A Clay Bestiary, Hunterdon Art Museum, Clinton NJ


Inciteful Clay, Group traveling show, curated by Judith Schwartz, presented by Exhibits USA             

Fauna: Adelaide Paul and Linda Cordell The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA

Twenty-First Century Heirlooms, Racine Art Museum, Racine, WI 

Summer Preview Exhibition, Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe NY

Animalia Schein-Joseph International Museum of Ceramic Art, Alfred, NY


Shifting Paradigms in Contemporary Ceramics: Garth Clark and Mark De Vecchio Collection, The Museum of Fine Art, Houston, TX

Colorscapes, The Schien-Joseph International Museum of Ceramic Art, Alfred, NY

Temptations, Extra Extra Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

Small Favors VII, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA


FRESH Figurine, Fuller Craft Museum, Brocton MA

Art UNLEASHED, The University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA 

LSU: Lagnaippe, Baltimore Clayworks, Baltimore MD

Small Favors VI, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA

Edinboro Faculty Show, Bruce Gallery, Edinboro, PA

Some Like It Hot, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA


Wild Kingdom, John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan, WI

Edinboro Faculty Show, Bruce Gallery, Edinboro, PA 

Bright and White, Mindy Solomon Gallery, St. Petersburg, FL

Clay@Penn 2010: Declarations, Fox Art Gallery, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

Small Favors, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA

Mentors/ Past and Present, Solmson Court, University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA

Of This Century: Residents, Fellows & Select Guest Artists of the Clay Studio 2000-2010 The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA


Linda Cordell, solo show, Gatewood Gallery at UNCG, Greensboro, NC

Ceramics Illuminated, The Blair Museum of Lithophanes, Toledo OH

Edinboro Faculty Show, Bruce Gallery at Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Edinboro, PA

35th Birthday Bash, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA


Reconfigurine, Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, NM

Confrontational Ceramics, Westchester Arts Council, Westchester, NY 

A Human Impulse: Figuration from the Diane and Sandy Besser Collection Arizona State University Art Museum, Tempe, AZ

Cats, Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, NM 

Gala, John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan, WI    


Clay@Penn 2, Faculty and Invited Artists, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 

7 Deadly Sins, Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe NM

Domestic Deities, Garth Clark Gallery, New York City, NY

Man and Beast, Garth Clark Gallery, Long Island City Project Space, Long Island City, NY

Small favors, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA


Edges of Grace, Fuller Craft Museum, Brockton, MA 

Craft Faculty, University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA  

Mastery in Clay, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA 

a delicate constitution, Philadelphia Art Alliance, Philadelphia, PA 


Cheongju International Craft Biennale 2005, National Cheongju Museum, Cheongju City, Korea

House of Wonder: Surrealism, Still Life, Objects of Curiosity, Ferrin Gallery, Lenox, MA

White, Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, NM    

The Clay Studio: 30 Years, School 33 Art Center, Baltimore, MD 

Animal Instinct, Baltimore Clayworks and Gudelsky Gallery, School of Art and Design at Montgomery College, Baltimore MD

Man’s Best Friend, Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, NM

Get Noticed, The John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan WI


Collaborations in Clay II, Wexler Gallery, Philadelphia, PA 

3D Faculty Show, University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA

Metamorphosis, solo show, The John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan, WI

Natural Selection, National Invitational Exhibition, Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe NM

Bling, Bling, The John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan, WI

Clay@Penn, Faculty and Invited Artists, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA


Linda Cordell: Standard Deviations, solo show, The John Michael Kohler Arts Center

Collaborations in Clay, Wexler Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

Domesticated Animals, The Society of Arts and Crafts, Boston, MA

Not Teapots, UNLV Gallery, Las Vegas, NV

Linda Cordell: Resident Artist, solo show, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA

Animal Instincts, solo show, The Philadelphia International Airport, Philadelphia, PA


Realism with an Edge, solo show, Nancy Margolis Gallery, New York, NY

Translation/Transgressions, Main Gallery, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI

Tastefully Tawdry, Wexler Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

Looking Back: Ten Years The Evelyn Shapiro Foundation Fellowship, The Clay Studio, Phila., PA


Animal Magnetism, The Society of Arts and Crafts, Boston, MA

Past and Present: The Clay Studio Residents, West Chester Univ., West Chester, PA

Telling Tales, Craft Alliance, St. Louis, MO


Everson Ceramic Invitational 2000, traveling group show, Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, NY

Cuplets, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA

The Clay Studio, Philadelphia: Selected Works by Resident Artist, Philadelphia International Airport, Philadelphia, PA

Group Exhibition, Nancy Margolis Gallery at SOFA, New York, NY


Linda Cordell: lotus eater, solo show, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA

It’s About Time, Baltimore Clayworks, Baltimore, MD

The Splendid Menorah, Nancy Margolis Gallery, New York, NY

Pouring Vessels, The Clay Studio. Philadelphia, PA


Clay Realists, Nancy Margolis Gallery, New York, NY

Resident Artist, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA

New Generations, Graduate Student Exhibition, Shaw/Guido Gallery, Pontiac MI

Beautility, Thesis solo show, Foster Gallery, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA

NCECA Regional Student Show, Arlington Museum of Art, Arlington TX


Selected Professional Activities


2017     Visiting Artists, Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH

2016    Visiting Artist, Buffalo State University, Buffalo, NY

2015    Juror, Keystone Collegiate Exhibition, Brockway Center For Arts, Brockway, PA

2015    Visiting Artist, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

2014   Visiting Artist, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC

2013    Summer Workshop: Linda Cordell, Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, NM

2013    Co-Curator, with Adelaide Paul, Animal Instincts, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA

2012   “The Interrelationship of Art and Culture” Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Edinboro, PA

2010   Juror: Gmitter Scholarship, Edinboro University of PA, Edinboro, PA

2008   Visiting Artist: Michigan State University, East Lansing MI    

2008   Interim Gallery Director: RAC Gallery, SUNY Fredonia, Fredonia, NY 

2007   Visiting artist, NASCAD, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Visiting Artist, ACAD Calgary, Alberta

2006   Mold Workshop, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA

2005   Visiting Critic: University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA

Slide Lecture: Moore College of Art and Design, Philadelphia, PA

2004   Volunteer: Wagner Free Institute of Science, Philadelphia, PA

Juror: Solo Show Exhibitions, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA

Member: Search committee for Artistic Director at The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA

2003   Slide lecture:  John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan WI

Workshop Instructor, Moldmaking, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA

2002   Curator: Two Views of the Cup, Vermont Clay Studio, Waterbury Center, VT

2001-03 Ceramic Shop Supervisor: University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA (maintained /repaired studio, equipment, ordered supplies, fired all beginning level ceramics, supervised work study students, wrote safety procedures)    

2000   Panelist: Contemporary Ceramics, Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, NY

Installer/Asst: Schein-Joseph International Museum of Ceramic Art, SOFA, Chicago, IL

Installer: Institute of Contemporary Art, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA      

1999   Freelance Modeler: The Franklin Mint, Media, PA

Gallery assistant: The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA

Gallery talk: The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA

Juror: The Evelyn Shapiro Fellowship, Bala Cynwyd PA 

1998   Workshop Instructor: Mold Making and Slipcasting, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

1998-02Ceramic Teacher: The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA. Beg. and Adv. Hand building

1998-07Ceramic Teacher: The Claymobile, an outreach program of the Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA

1996-98Ceramic Instructor: Short Course Summer Program for Children and Young Adults at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana



Selected Publications/Reviews


Andy Smith “Linda Cordell’s Unsettling, Humorous Ceramic Sculptures” Hi-Fructose Magazine

Whitney Jones “Art/ Squirrel Bomb + Split Cock, Linda Cordell”s Grotesque Porcelain Sculptures” CFile.Org

Hildreth York “A Clay Bestiary” New Ceramics, Sept/Oct 2014

Exposure, Ceramics Monthly, 2014

"WST, SSY: Inception, An Inagural Exhibition at Schulman Projects” web review bmore<art> Oct., 2013

“Invoking life through ceramics at the Clay Studio” web review Knight Arts Sept. 26, 2013

“Linda Cordell, the strange and unsettling” web review HAHAMag, sept. 2013

Friswell, Richard.Massachusetts’s Fuller Craft Museum’s Powerful Ceramic Figurine Exhibit: Fresh     Figurines: Politically Provocative and Deeply Personal Universal Themes Explored in Clay”  Artes Magazine, web, December 15, 2011

Clark, Garth. “Confrontational Ceramics: Artist as Social Critic Book Review By Garth Clark” Interpreting     Ceramics, web, issue 11, 2009

"The moment at Hand" Ceramics Monthly, February 2009

"Up Front Exhibitions" Ceramics Monthly, November 2008 

Confrontational Ceramics by Judith Schwartz, A & C Black, London, England, 2007

Moldmaking & Slip Casting by Andrew Martin, New York, Lark Books, 2007

"a delicate constitution" American Craft, Vol. 66 No. 5 Oct/Nov 2006, pgs 82-3

500 Animals in Clay: Contemporary Expressions on the Animal Form, New York, Lark Books, 2006

The Figure in Clay. New York, Lark Books 2005

500 Figures in Clay: Ceramic Artists Celebrate the Human Form, New York, Lark Books 2004

 “Portfolio” American Craft, Vol. 63, No. 3, June, 2003, pg 61

 “Art Guide” The New York Times, March 22, 2002

 “New Ceramics in the Galleries of the World” Neue Keramik May 2002

 Marge Kolodner, “Dropping the Pebble: The Evelyn Shapiro Foundation Fellowship celebrates its 11th Year,” Ceramics Technical, November 2002

Looking Back: Ten Years The Evelyn Shapiro Foundation Fellowship. The Evelyn Shapiro Foundation (catalogue)     2002 

"Up Front Exhibitions” Ceramics Monthly, April, 2001

Everson Ceramic National 2000 Everson Museum of Art (catalogue) 2000

“Shaping a Clay Community” The World & I. March, 2000

Katie Anders, “Bugging Out,” Clay Times, Vol. 6, No. 1, January/February, 2000, 16-17, 32

“New Ceramics in the Galleries of the World” Neue Keramik, Vol 7.January/February, 1999, 425 


Professional Experience

2017            Adjunct Assistant Professor, Ceramics, University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA

2015-16       Visiting Assistant Professor, Ceramics, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, Kutztown, PA

2014-15       Adjunct Assist. Professor, Ceramics/3DD Tyler School of Art, Temple University, Phila., PA

2009-14       Instructor: Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Edinboro, PA.

2010-12         Assistant Professor Ceramics, Summer MFA Program, University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA 

2008             Sculpture Sabbatical replacement: SUNY Fredonia, Fredonia, NY. 

2008             Lecturer: Buffalo State College, Buffalo, NY.  3D Design

2005-07        Lecturer: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.

2003-07        Lecturer: University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA.

2004-06        Adjunct Faculty: Moore College of Art and Design, Philadelphia, PA. 

1995-98         Teaching Assistant: Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA